Factors in picking your Wedding Date

Factors-in-picking-your-Wedding Date

Factors in picking your Wedding Date

Factors-in-picking-your-Wedding DateReference: The Knot

Picking the best date for your wedding depends on a lot of factors. These include availability of the people, availability of vendors, the venue, the possible traffic situation, even the weather, and more. While you can’t predict everything, setting a date smartly could help you avoid further tussles in the future. Here are some tips to help you make that date choice.

Check the Rates

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See which day of the week and time of the day are cheaper. It could fall on a Saturday or a certain weekday. Ofcourse, with weekdays, you have to see who’s available on such as date (although chances are they’re more available at night). But in case few could come, that could help you come up with a budget-friendly guest list.

Check with your Wedding VIP’s

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Photo credits: www.news.mb.com.ph

Since bringing your family and friends together to celebrate with you is important, keep them in mind as you look at the calendar. Talk to VIPs (very important people), such as your parents or financial sponsors. See when they are available; list it all on the calendar or notes so you have an idea of what dates to cross out. This will help you decide narrow down the available dates.

Talk to your wedding planner

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They not only will check on their own bookings and availability, but could help you out plan your date. You could compare notes based on your calendar, and the planner can advise you on dates based on what they know.

Check your chosen venue’s availability

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Photo credits: Ylang-ylang venue in Jardin de Miramar

Look at venues before choosing a date. The venue is a significant choice in itself, based on the rates mentioned above. Also, venues have issues such as accessibility, so they would affect your experience when you’ve set the date. When you get information, such as a traffic forecast for the said venue, as well as whether the dates you’ve narrowed down to have relatively low or high traffic, it will make choosing much easier. Having wedding and reception at difficult places could make it more difficult.

Once the date is set, you can plan the rest of your wedding. Often, you would plan your wedding around the date, so choose carefully.

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